October 2011 Winner

September 2011 Winner

August 2011 Winner

July 2011 Winner

June 2011 Winner

May 2011 Winner

April 2011 Winner

March 2011 Winner

February 2011 Winner

January 2011 Winner


Which print would you like to see next?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Help us reach 1000 Twitter Followers!

We recently hit the 1000 fan mark on the Happy Heinys Facebook page and now it's time to do it on Twitter! We only need around 143 more twitter followers to reach 1000 and I bet we can do it by the end of this week....maybe by the end of the DAY! Want to help us get there??? You have a chance to win goodies for your efforts! :)

Once we hit 1000 followers on Twitter we will be giving away 6 Happy Heinys Pocket Diapers to a random tweeter that tweets during the contest period. What does that mean? Well you must be tweeting today and (if the contest runs into tomorrow)....tomorrow, to win.

So how do you win the diapers??? Tweet away! The more you tweet, the better your chances of winning. Each tweet counts as ONE ENTRY so you can tweet as many times as you wish to increase your chances of winning.

  1. Follow Happy Heinys on twitter www.twitter.com/happyheinys
  2. Tweet about our giveaway on Twitter after you follow us. Use #clothdiapers #giveaway @happyheinys
  3. Post our giveaway on YOUR blog and tweet about it. Be sure to include #clothdiapers #giveaway @happyheinys in your tweets.

Good luck today! Once we hit 1000 Twitter followers, we will select a winner shortly afterwards. Have fun with it. We love reading all of your tweets!

Calling all blogging mamas....

Love to write about cloth diapers? Have a baby in Happy Heinys? We'd love for you to share your experience with Happy Heinys and cloth diapering knowledge with our readers.

If you're interested in submitting your blog post to us, contact media@happyheinys.com for details. We're looking for a few regular blog contributors to help "grow our blog" and educate the public on cloth diapering with Happy Heinys products.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Help us reach 1000 Facebook Fans!

UPDATE: We hit 1000 fans on Facebook thanks to your help!!! Winner selected through random.org: Sara Edwards Tankersley! You have 72 hours to claim your prize Sara! Email us at media@happyheinys.com

We're excited to be nearing the 1000 fan mark on the Happy Heinys Facebook page. We're only 60 or so fans away. Want to help us get there???

Once we hit 1000 fans on Facebook we will be giving away 6 Happy Heinys Pocket Diapers to a random Facebook fan. We will use random.org to draw a number and match it with the Facebook fan on our list.

So how do you win?? Basically if you're a fan then you're entered already. Help us to get to 1000 fans and we'll draw a winner. :) You can tweet #clothdiapers #giveaways @happyheinys to spread the word about our Happy Heinys Giveaway on Facebook.

Good luck to you all!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Can you say GIVEAWAY? It's that time again!

Ready for a GIVEAWAY? Of course you are. :) We're trying to reach 1000 followers on Facebook AND Twitter. Help us get there!

We're giving away 6 sized pocket diapers. You choose the size you need. We'll send colors according to girl/boy/gender neutral.

Ways to enter are below. Please post back to us here or on facebook and let us know how you entered. Each one counts as ONE ENTRY so you can do all of them as many times as you wish to increase your chances of winning.

  1. Become a follower of our blog.
  2. Follow Happy Heinys on twitter www.twitter.com/happyheinys
  3. Fan / like us on Facebook. www.facebook.com/happyheinys
  4. Tweet about our giveaway on Twitter after you follow us. Use #clothdiapers #giveaway @happyheinys
  5. Tweet @happyheinys mentioning they follow our blog for #clothdiapers #giveaways

Good luck today! You can enter until 9pm CST and we'll select a winner shortly afterwards. Have fun with it. We love reading all your tweets!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pocket Diaper Giveaway Winners from May 3rd

We are going to pull two winners for the giveaway instead of just the one we announced. The winners are:

jdemarie and LaurenGregory

Congrats ladies! Please contact media@happyheinys.com with your size and color preference for your 3 pocket diapers.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Happy Heinys Pocket Giveaway

Ready for a GIVEAWAY? Of course you are. :) We're trying to reach 1000 followers on Facebook AND Twitter. Help us get there!

We're giving away 3 sized pocket diapers. You choose the size you need. You can also choose your color / print.

Ways to enter are below. Please post back to us here or on facebook and let us know how you entered. Each one counts as ONE ENTRY so you can do all of them as many times as you wish to increase your chances of winning.

  1. Become a follower of our blog.
  2. Follow Happy Heinys on twitter www.twitter.com/happyheinys
  3. Fan / like us on Facebook. www.facebook.com/happyheinys
  4. Tweet about our giveaway on Twitter after you follow us. Use #clothdiapers #giveaway @happyheinys
  5. Tweet @happyheinys mentioning they follow our blog for #clothdiapers #giveaways

Good luck today! We will select the winner at 9pm CST. Have fun with it. We love reading all your tweets!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Prematurity and over-coming the odds with the help of cloth diapers.

Having 3 kids has truly been the happiest moments of my life. Each of them is uniquely special and each of them bring a different and fulfilling joy to my heart everyday. Our life changed when one was born prematurely. Needing medical care, medications, ventilators. I would do anything at all to protect her. Need me to walk on water in order to save my child, I WILL find a way to do that. Give me any suggestion, anything, what might help, a slim chance that is ok I will try it all. I just want my baby to be healthy. You want me to use cloth diapers, rubber pants and prefolds it is. Thankfully there was this brand new internet thing. Remember the days of 48 K downloads being super fast, good ole AOL paid by the hour. In the short time we had to be online, I spent it on a variety of parenting boards. I had a preemie I needed advice, I needed help. Who could share with me how to get over the horror of watching your child die. The horror of doctors doing CPR and trying to save your baby. Please help me to move on and out of this nightmare. How do I care for my other 2 older children while my baby is laying lifeless in the hospital on a ventilator. Struggling to take each and every breath. My sweet girl makes it through the most harrowing days of my life, she comes home, and we go on with our life, attached to heart monitors, doctors appointments, breathing machines, one sniffle and suddenly near death once again. We need to stop this vicious cycle, how do we stop it, what can I do?

In a moment the answer came, try switching her to cloth, it might help. I could not get to the store fast enough I would do anything yet this is such an easy solution. Prefolds and rubber pants here I come. Hey they work, it's not quite as bad as I thought it was. Time to do a little more research, there has to be something a little easier, something less time consuming, something a little less rubbery. Something that would fit my big and chunky little girl without leaving the red marks on her legs. The red marks that were far better than the breathing problems.

Amazingly, immediately, there was change, there was health, there were fewer needs for medicine, no longer driving to the children's emergency room pulling on her hair so that she stays awake for the entire drive, so I could hear her and know that she was alive and breathing. A cry was far better than the alternative.

Our searching for the perfect product never produced anything for us so with a little help from my daughters grammie we made her some cloth diapers. Just like walking on water for her, I was sewing for her. Something I really had never done before. I didn't take a home ec. class. Although my mom made our clothes when we were little by the time I was old enough to learn to sew she stopped. I knew how to hem a pair of pants or fix a whole as long as it is on a seam. I even had a sewing machine, thanks to Costco and their great prices it was a pretty decent one with lots of different stitches but I only knew how to use one of them, the straight stitch. But all of this was OK. I didn't need anything else. All I needed was a few supplies and the pattern made by grammie and it was going to be done.
Those first few diapers were not the best. They worked well, they fit her perfectly, they were cute prints and that was all that mattered to me.

In 3 months that little girl who struggled to breathe and had to make the decision whether or not she wanted to live this life or not is doing wonderfully and will be turning 8. She is a big girl, tall just like her daddy. She is beautiful and full of joy and spunk. She loves to run and play. She loves school, especially art. She is mommy's girl, daddy's girls, brothers girl.

If I knew then what I know now I would have never ever put a disposable diaper on any of my children. How do we know that these diapers exasperated her problems? After we switched my Sarah to cloth diapers in the beginning I just did not have enough to last, it was new, plus I had some extra disposables. So I would use one here and there and each and every time she would have breathing problems, remove the diaper and the issues resolve, add the diaper and it gets worse. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that she was allergic to the diaper. Her allergy though did not present itself like most diaper allergies. She never had a diaper rash, she just could not breath from the off-gassing of the chemicals.

Fast forward again to nearly 8 yrs later. We have a mission, a mission to keep babies safe. In the early 1970-1980's many parents lost their babies to car accidents. Their mission was to protect children, enforce car seat and seatbelt laws. These are simple acts that can save a child. Today my mission is to keep as many babies as possible away from the chemicals. Yes I know that sounds harsh but if my baby had such problems related to disposable diapers then how many more do as well. I know we are not alone. I look at the babies with the recurrent rashes that nothing will help. Constant redness, blisters, crying, medications, different brands of diapers. One of the last things looked at is the diaper itself, why not try cloth. Just like walking on water, we will do and try anything for our babies. Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, the disease that causes babies skin to be in a constant blister, painful, diapering makes the condition worse. The simple act of switching to a softer, less irritating product, cloth helps to decrease the severity of this. Will it make it go away, no but does it help, yes.

Having been blessed in being able to make that switch for our child and finding that something as simple as making a switch to cloth diapers can make many positive changes. Right now I am focusing on the severe health benefits. Not everyone thankfully will ever be in the same position that our family has faced. But every family has the choice as to how they care for their child, cloth diapers, environmentally safe diapers, regular ole disposable diapers. This is a personal choice and one that each of us should sit down and seriously think about. It is not an easy cut and dry answer like it used to be, today you do have a choice. Make the one that works best for your family and your baby.
Linda Byerline

April Baby of the Month Contest Winner!

Our Happy Heinys Baby of the Month winner for April is little Hayden. What a doll! Hayden wins a $50 gift certificate to the Happy Heiny Store. Congrats Hayden!

If you'd like to enter your baby in our baby of the month contest - go over to our site and submit your photo! Your baby must be wearing a Happy Heinys product and the photo does need to be high resolution / excellent quality.

Thanks and good luck to everyone this month!